Role Playing
When I walk into a restaurant or a coffee-shop – I assume the role of a customer.And the person serving me assumes the role of a waiter. I play my role – some characterisics of which are to expect , demand some things, even if they mean inconveniencing the other human who plays the role […]
‘Topics’ under Blog
Posts are now sorted into topics. Most of today was spent trying to learn how to sort the posts in this Blog topic wise, instead of by months – as is the default provided by Blogger. After hours of browsing and learning and looking at scripts that seemed more hostile than Chinese…finally I got it […]
Conversations R Us!!
Conversations are reflections of who we are being in that moment. Think about it, how does a deep, honest, intense, touching, passionate, incredible conversation leave you feeling – energized, recharged…. Your personal energy increased and the world a little bit brighter than it was earlier, isn’t it? And how does a shallow, superficial, pretentious conversation […]
Brain, Mind and Me
For more than a decade now, I have been fascinated by the human mind. And the more I have understood, the more baffled I have become. Simple things – seemingly simple things like perception, decisions, awareness, emotions are such complex events and happen at so many levels (chemical, electrical, macroscopic- physiological, environmental, metaphysical, spiritual…) that […]
Choosing Habits – The 30 Day Trial
I discovered this fantastic site Steve Pavlina is a writer, speaker, entrepreneur, games-programmer. He is inspiring! A lot of his posts are fantastic – addressing the most basic facets of self development, which are sometimes skirted by other authors for a more esoteric and less practical (not to mention preachy) approach. His post on doing […]
A better world
I do not believe in a perfect world.I do not believe in a world without death, disease, anger or tragedy. I do believe in a better world. I have often felt my anger against ‘how things are’ versus ‘how things should be’.I am sure you have too.Anger against obvious injustices.Men and women losing loved ones […]